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Reduce the number of pending transactions at paper.id


Product Designer


Q4 2024


Mobile & Web app


Paper id is here as a payment solution in business transactions. Provides easy and reliable business payment features.

5 mins read


At Paper.id, there are many payment methods, one of which is payment via BCA transfer

As a B2B financial service, Paper.id focuses on invoicing and payment services. So, we provide many payment methods, such as QRIS, bank transfer, Credit Card, etc.

When users pay by BCA transfer, there is a unique code that must be entered. However, the problem is, many users make transfers without a unique code and make the status of transaction always pending because our team has to reconcile manually.

In this project, we want to help users and the Paper.id team to ensure that users make transfers with unique codes, so as to reduce complaints, delayed transactions, and transactions that need to be checked and reconciled manually.







Make a transfer to

Bank BCA Manual Transfer

PT. Pakar Digital Global

0027 7999 77


Total Pembayaran



Make sure you transfer the total payment up to the last 3 digits for easy verification.


Why should we improve this?

Finding value in this feature

Before designing this project, I need to know why is this so fatal and how are competitors dealing with this given that this payment method exists in all applications or websites related to e-commerce, sales, etc.

Simplify the business transaction

If the transaction process is easy, this will make users continue to use paper.id and gain the user’s trust, so this affects the company's revenue.

Stop the complaints and human error

Imagine this is happen every day around 50-100 transactions and when their transaction does not change to paid, they will complain which leads to more questions coming to Customer Service. Also, the operational team should check and reconcile the transaction manually, this may lead to human error.




Select Payment Method

The fees and payment methods listed have been arranged by GreenTea 2 through the Paper.id platform. More Info.



Fee Rp1,000.00


(BCA QR, Gopay, Dana, ShopeePay, LinkAja, CIMB QRPay, and others)


Various Fees


Sesuai Syarat dan Ketentuan dari mitra pembayaran, metode pembayaran kartu kredit melalui tokopedia disediakan pilihan khusus.

CC / Kartu Kredit via Tokopedia

Biaya 1.8%


Bayar tagihan melalui e-invoicing Tokopedia

Non CC & Cicilan via Tokopedia


Bayar tagihan melalui e-invoicing Tokopedia

Mitra Pembayaran Digital

Biaya beragam

CC / Non CC via Blibli

Biaya 1.8%


Bayar tagihan melalui Blibli

CC & Non CC via Shopee

Biaya 1.8%


Bayar tagihan melalui Shopee

Transfer Virtual Account (Verifikasi Otomatis)

Biaya Rp1,000.00

Bank BCA (Pengecekan Manual)

Bank BRI

Bank Mandiri

Bank BNI

Bank Permata

ATM Bersama

Kartu Kredit

Biaya 1.8%


Kartu Kredit


Biaya Rp1,000.00


Gunakan promo Paper ID

Total Pembayaran



Confirm Your Total Payment

You have to write the total payment amount of Rp117,175.00 to continue the payment.

Input Total Payment






Detail Sales Invoice

Back to Home







The payment deadline has expired, this transaction cannot be used.

Make a transfer to

Bank BCA Manual Transfer

PT. Pakar Digital Global

0027 7999 77


Total Pembayaran



Make sure you transfer the total payment up to the last 3 digits for easy verification.

Partner’s Name




No. Handphone


Total Invoice


Additional Fees


Unique code


Bill Amount


Company Information

How to Pay

Your payment status hasn't changed? Upload your proof of transfer for verification

Upload Payment Proof

Repeat Payment




Detail Sales Invoice

Back to Home







Make a transfer to

Bank BCA Manual Transfer

PT. Pakar Digital Global

0027 7999 77


Total Pembayaran



Make sure you transfer the total payment up to the last 3 digits for easy verification.

Partner’s Name




No. Handphone


Total Invoice


Additional Fees


Unique code


Bill Amount


Company Information

How to Pay

Saya sudah Transfer

Ubah Metode Pembayaran

Status pembayaran Anda belum berubah? Upload bukti transfer untuk verifikasi

Upload Bukti Transfer

Ubah Metode Pembayaran

Upload Payment Proof

*If you have more than one mutation for this transaction, please contact Whatsapp Customer Service Paper.id

Transfer Amount*


Enter the amount you have transferred.

For next payments, you must pay the exact amount, otherwise:

Your transaction status will remain unchanged and pending.

You will need to Upload Payment Proof and your transaction will be verified within 1x24 hours.


Image: The final design of detail payment

Research & findings

Know more user journey

With the UX Researcher, I interviewed around 7 users who have made transactions using bca transfer and who have complained about pending transactions.

We asked the questions to understand their journey and perspective when they make a payment by BCA transfer. The purpose is to improve the right interface based on their needs.

Planning to pay their invoice

After user create their invoice and select their partner, they should select the payment methods, such as credit card, bank transfer, Bank Virtual Account, so on. Behavior of user when choose a payment method is based on familiarity and accessibility.

Pay & see transaction status

So, after selecting a payment method via bank transfer, they will see an overview of the payment, such as the billing amount with a unique code, bank account number, transaction ID, etc. After they pay, the status of the transaction should change from “pending” to “paid”, but if they pays an incorrect amount, the transaction status will not change. This is what triggers users to ask and complain to Customer Service.

design exploration

Designing with the entire human experience in mind

This case is so fatal and disadvantage for both the paper and the user. So instead of just justifying the interface and information hierarchy on the payment page, I also included some confirmations for the user to make sure they paid the correct amount (include the last 3 digits of the total bill amount).

Here is the journey:

Pop up confirmation of input amount

In order to reduce errors in transfers, after selecting the payment method, the user will input the correct nominal to continue. The nominal will be displayed on the pop up. this helps for users to remember the nominal they have to pay.

Straight forward detail payment

In the detail payment page, I made it straight forward and just highlight the total amount and the bank account number. I also refined the information hierarchy according to its importance.


Here some reasons why users like to transfer not inputting the last 3 digits:

Too much information and not straight forward about the bill amount

Display the detailed amount so that the user does not focus on the final amount they have to pay

The banner information does not indicate the final amount to be paid.

There is no information to upload the payment proof if the transaction status still pending.


There are some points that I highlight:

I updated the information hierarchy, starting with the countdown, bank account number, and final amount

Not much information is displayed, just focused and straight forward to the final amount and bank account number. I hid the payment details so that users won't be fooled.

Banner information focuses on the last 3 digits and provides information that they must pay according to the amount of the last 3 digits.

Provide information if the user has transferred, but the transaction status has not changed, they can upload proof of transfer.

Also, this is one of fun part was designing a bunch of different card about detail payment. I took inspiration from some apps and webs that has detail payment.

Image: Card payment exploration

Upload payment proof & reminder

We know how users feel if they have paid but the transaction status has not changed, they will panic considering the large amount of payment. So, from that problem, we came up with a solution for users to upload their proof of payment and there will be a description and reminder for the next transaction to input the appropriate nominal up to the last 3 digits.

Transfer BCA

Upload Payment Proof

Unggah bukti transfer di sini

Format dokumen JPG, JPEG, PNG, PDF, maksimum 10MB

*If you have more than one mutation for this transaction, please contact Whatsapp Customer Service Paper.id

Transfer Amount*


Enter the amount you have transferred.

For next payments, you must pay the exact amount, otherwise:

Your transaction status will remain unchanged and pending.

You will need to Upload Payment Proof and your transaction will be verified within 1x24 hours.


Transfer BCA

Upload Payment Proof

*If you have more than one mutation for this transaction, please contact Whatsapp Customer Service Paper.id

Transfer Amount*


Enter the amount you have transferred.

For next payments, you must pay the exact amount, otherwise:

Your transaction status will remain unchanged and pending.

You will need to Upload Payment Proof and your transaction will be verified within 1x24 hours.


How we manage this?

We not only make improvements from the user side, but we also create an internal web for the Paper team to manage all these transactions, such as to manually recon all incoming transactions.

We also notify the number of pending transactions so that they can check one by one and avoid human error.

Lesson learned

Research and know your users

Doing research by meeting with users directly gave me a lot of perspective from their views. I can infer solutions to their problems, even know their reasons, journey, and behavior.

But, doing desk research is important too. I also know how competitors do it.

Constantly seek out feedback from your teammates

The purpose that to create design options to get feedback and perspective with other teammates. This helped me to get out of the horse's goggles or the truth as I understood it.