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Product Designer

Web Designer

UIUX Designer

Product Designer

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Humanites, Art, and Communication

The beginning of my journey

My academic journey began with a degree in humanities, where I delved into the complexities of human culture, behavior, and communication. This education provided me with a profound understanding of people, their stories, and their needs.

My journey into the world of design is rooted in my deep appreciation for human experiences and storytelling.

Crafting Intuitive Experiences, One Interface at a Time!

Transition to design

Inspired by the desire to make a tangible impact, I realized that my insights into human nature could be powerfully applied to creating digital experiences that truly resonate with users.

Today, I combine my humanities background with my design skills to craft interfaces that are not only beautiful and functional but also deeply empathetic. I believe that the best designs come from understanding and addressing the real human needs behind every interaction.

My approach and principles

Collaboration & Communication

I believe that the best designs emerge from collaboration. I work closely with clients, developers, and other stakeholders to ensure that every project is a collective success.

Flexible & Adaptable

I believe as UIUX Designer, I have to flexible in every situation and adaptable with workflow, teams, and stakeholders.

Attention to detail

Every pixel matters. I focus on the finer details that elevate a good design to a great one, ensuring a polished and professional end product.

Inclusivity & Accessibility

I am passionate about designing for a diverse audience. My goal is to create accessible experiences that everyone can enjoy, regardless of their abilities or backgrounds.

© 2024 - Designed by Maria Grace Sandra