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Sharing Benefits For Users N Advertisers with Hyppe Ad


User research, Product Designer


Q2 - Q3 2023


Mobile & Web


Hyppe is social media for content creators in Indonesia. In this project, I tried to improve the user interface and experience of Hyppe app.

8 mins read

Our Limitation

Before we start, let's consider the limitations or problems we face while improving this ad feature. Time and cost are the big issues we need to address, and we haven't conducted market research with advertisers yet. Most of the requirement for this ads feature based on from strategy team (Branding & Marketing Team). 

where I start

So, how do ads on Hyppe work?

Hyppe has three ecosystems, namely Hyppe App, Hyppe Business, and Hyppe Console. For this advertising feature, it will be related and related to these 3 ecosystems. This feature will be related to the economy sharing feature at Hyppe, where users will get rewards just by watching ads. The following is an overview of the function of each ecosystem in this ads feature:

Hyppe business

Advertisers can create, maintain, and track ads, as well as see ad performance and analytics through Hyppe Business. Additionally, advertisers can review ad guidelines before creating ads.

Hyppe console

After advertisers create ads, the ads will be reviewed by Hyppe through the console. The ads may be approved or rejected based on the quality of content, description, and the absence of harmful words or NSFW content. The Hyppe Console is managed by Hyppe's customer care team, and allows for dynamic management of ads, including character limits for descriptions, video duration, credit pricing, and more.

Hyppe app

Ads will appear on the Hyppe App, and advertisers can see the results of their ads on the app. Each ad will be a button that directs the user to take some action, such as visiting a website or contacting a company on WhatsApp. Users will receive rewards for engaging with ads, which is a feature of the economy sharing model on Hyppe.

research n findings

Hyppe Ads is aimed at MSMEs and agencies to advertise products, client business, etc. at an affordable price. In addition, we are also aimed at users to earn rewards by watching ads.

But, we need to know pain point of their POV too…

‍🙍‍ For users...

“Getting ads while watching something is very annoying and if possible I don't want to get ads”

Imagine if you want to watch a video or scroll through content, but you always have to spend a few seconds just to see ads until the video plays.

‍👨‍💻‍ For advertisers...

“For me [as an MSME], to place digital ads on a social media requires a large budget because it’s expensive”

This is one of the obstacles for small businesses with limited budgets in marketing their products.

“We [as advertisers] can’t determine how much our ad will shown, because we are afraid that the budget would be expensive”

They only adjust their budget, but not the total ad airtime they want. This is the only way to customize the budget.

“[The ad] maybe have impressions and watched a lot, but conversion rates can remain low”

Ads are always shown and watched a lot, but it seems that the potential actions, such as visiting the web, DMing, or other actions that advertisers expect are very few.

“[Sometimes] it’sdifficult to understand the purpose, goal, product price, & advertising channel, that the advertisement is not on target” 

For MSMEsneeds clear and easy-to-understand information for all terms, requirements, functions, ad settings, how to monitor ads, etc. 

So, when the lightning strikes?

"[We] want to create an advertising feature that provides a win win solution for both parties, which is the advertiser and the user who sees the ad" 

Design Exploration

To cover the ads function on three platforms (HyppeApp, Business & Console) with different users, I had to start design exploration with full human experience fot not wasting resources and addressing the correct issue. 

Scope 1: Envision the advertiser experience of creating, paying for, and monitoring ads on Hyppe Business

The best possible end-to-end experience was created during this phase, and the design was validated through usability testing.

Scope 2: Capture all functions for the admin in HyppeConsole

Captures end-to-end experience and functionality for admins to monitor all new and running ads. Also, to set up all ad dynamic functions.

Scope 3: Provide benefits for users when watching ads and increase the conversion rate

Provide economic sharing to earn rewards for users who click the CTA button to be directed to the ad destination.

Scope 1

Envision the advertiser experience of creating, paying for, and monitoring ads on Hyppe Business

I observe how individuals use social media and experiment with different experiences that help users easily enjoy using the Hyppe application. Based on issues that have previously been created, the interface also aids in improving the experience. Examples of these issues include:

scope 2

Capture all functions for the admin in Hyppe Console

scope 3

Provide benefits for users when watching ads & increase the conversion rate

Insert ads in some sections

Receiving ads is annoying but we're trying to change that by giving users a balanced benefit of Rp400 for each ad they watch and clicking on the CTA button to go to the designated page. This is a mutually beneficial arrangement for both sides.

Lesson learned

Understanding the target market and purpose of this feature

With a short amount of time and complex functions, I learned that understanding your goals and target market is important. This makes it easier for you to do proper research by conducting interviews or benchmarking with competitors. In addition, you can also envision what you will design and build because you have learned the behavior, pain points, and needs of the target market.

Participate in feature creation from the very beginning Product Manager

This feature was created in a short time and was too complicated, so to minimize human error and knowledge gaps, I participated from the beginning to do research, determine goals, and brainstorm to minimize these gaps.

In addition, this also made it easier for me to design the feature because I knew what the feature would look like and it was a privilege to participate from the beginning.